General terms and conditions

Below are the general terms and conditions that Tune Up Muziekpunt uses.

  1. The agreement commences on the date of the first lesson taken and is entered into for the duration of the current school year up to and including August 2025.
  2. The student is expressly deemed to have taken note of the information on the website and the general terms and conditions stated therein and must submit the registration form with the accompanying direct debit authorisation complete, truthful and signed to the teacher or administration as soon as possible after the start of the lesson. The information can be viewed on the website
  3. If a student takes lessons for a period of one month or longer but fails to sign and/or submit the registration form with the accompanying direct debit authorisation, the tuition fee obligation for the entire current school year remains irrevocably in force. If a student has also failed to submit the registration/authorization form in previous school years, then the total outstanding contribution, including the applicable statutory interest, must be paid immediately.
  4. Automatic collections will remain valid for a period of 5 years, within the statutory limitation period, after the date of commencement of lessons, until the full contribution due has been paid.
  5. The school year runs from September 2, 2024 to July 11, 2025 and includes 40 lesson units. This includes a maximum of two performance days.
  6. All students, with the exception of lesson card holders, have the option to terminate the current lesson agreement for the current school year 2024/2025 immediately after the first 4 starter lessons (usually one month after the actual commencement of lessons). In this way, the student is given the opportunity to follow a so-called ‘starter lessons’ of 4 consecutive lessons available for a tuition fee contribution of 4/40 x the applicable annual rate. During the 4 starter lessons, it can be decided not to continue the follow-up lessons. This must be clearly indicated in writing. If you continue after the 4 starter lessons, you are expected to complete the current school year.
  7. It is no longer possible to use the free trial lesson since the 2023/2024 school year. Applications from previous school years are no longer valid.
  8. Each school year starts with 1, 2, 3 or 4 consecutive 'starter lessons'. These lessons are not free but pro rata at cost price, depending on the type of lesson and the duration of the lesson. Each school year, the student is given the opportunity to see during 1 to 4 lessons whether the teacher, the instrument and the lessons (still) appeal to them and whether music lessons are also logistically (still) practical and/or feasible.
  9. During the 'starter lessons', it can be decided not to continue the follow-up lessons. This must be clearly indicated in writing. If you continue after the 4 start-up lessons, you are expected to complete the current school year. If you decide not to continue, you will only be charged tuition fees for the start-up lessons taken.
  10. Holidays and days off are announced at the beginning of each school year and are listed on the website under . The holidays correspond as much as possible to those of primary and secondary education in the Haarlem region.
  11. If the teacher is prevented from teaching due to illness or other urgent reason and no replacement teacher is available, an attempt will be made to catch up on the lesson at another time, depending on the possibilities. However, there is no obligation to do so! In the event of a long-term absence, an attempt will be made to find a replacement teacher as soon as possible.
  12. If more than three lessons are cancelled during the school year due to the absence of the teacher, a refund of tuition fees can be requested. This refund amounts to the number of lessons not taken minus 3 x 1/40 of the original total tuition fee due. A request for a refund must be submitted in writing at the end of the school year. In the case of biweekly lessons, the above will be calculated pro rata.
  13. In the case of a short school year, it may happen that lessons are given on some official holidays. See 'INFORMATION/CALENDAR'. If it is not possible to continue one of these lessons or to schedule it at another time, a refund can be requested in writing at the end of the school year.
  14. If the student fails to attend one or more lessons at the agreed time due to illness or other reasons, the tuition fee remains due.
  15. For logistical and timetable reasons, teachers are not obliged to make up for any lessons missed by the student due to illness or otherwise at a later time. Where possible, they will try to do so.
  16. A student can – in consultation with the teacher and management, only after approval – have his or her lessons taken over by someone else on an incidental or structural basis, on condition that the student in question must arrange for this himself or herself and assumes the same lesson day and scheduled lesson time, unless otherwise specified.
  17. An adult is understood to be someone who is 18 years or older at the start of the school year.
  18. When registering minor students, the parent or guardian must also sign.
  19. When registering at a later time than the start of the school year, tuition fees are due from the day on which the first lesson starts.
  20. The rate applicable to the specified lesson category in accordance with the information provided on the registration form and as such made available by the relevant teacher is binding at all times.
  21. Adults and the parent or guardian of minors are liable to pay tuition fees.
  22. When moving outside a radius of 15 km to the lesson location in question, serious long-term illness or death and other special circumstances, the agreement entered into for following music lessons can be terminated prematurely. Premature termination of the lesson contract must always be done in writing, stating the reason(s) and submitting relevant evidence (doctor's certificate, municipal deregistration, etc.). When calculating the tuition fee to be refunded, tuition fee is due for the entire month, even if the student has only attended lessons for part of that month.
  23. If direct debits of tuition and/or course fees due are reversed (refused or reversed) without a valid reason or permission, additional reminder costs will be charged per reversal. The collection of these outstanding tuition fees will be increased by a minimum of €2.50 per cancellation pro rata by means of renewed collection order(s).
  24. If the tuition fee is not paid on time, the teaching of lessons to the student in question may be stopped, whereby the tuition fee obligation remains irrevocably in force. All costs that are necessary for the collection of outstanding tuition fees will be borne by the tuition fee obligor.
  25. If the Dutch government or the Kennemerland Safety Region indicates that the sector under which Tune Up Muziekpunt falls must be closed, the lessons will be given in a different way. This will be given online or, in consultation with the teacher, in a different way. During this period, all obligations set out in the general terms and conditions remain in force.
  26. Any changes to personal and/or address details of a student/trainee must be reported to the relevant teacher and administration as soon as possible in writing and/or by e-mail. Tune Up Muziekpunt is not liable for missed lessons, any errors, events or calamities that are due to the untimely, incorrect or incomplete communication of changed address and/or contact details.
  27. Any liability on the part of Tune Up Muziekpunt for theft, loss, disappearance, damage of possessions and/or property, etc., as well as for damage due to accident and/or illness is expressly excluded.
  28. Tune Up Muziekpunt cannot be held liable for possible hearing damage. The student is expected to provide suitable and adequate hearing protection themselves – whether or not in consultation with the relevant teacher. The music school is equipped with an 'eye-catching' machine with earplugs that can be purchased for just a few euros per pair. The earplugs ('Thunderplugs') meet all European quality and safety requirements. They have been tested and certified according to EN 352-2 standards.
  29. Tune Up Muziekpunt is authorized to make video and audio recordings of students and trainees. The recordings - for advertising and promotional purposes, among other things - will only be used after written permission.
  30. Students and third parties may only make public teaching materials and self-made video and/or audio recordings of lessons, performances, rehearsals, etc. of/at Tune Up Muziekpunt, after approval and approval by the management.
  31. If any disputes relating to and arising from these general provisions cannot be settled amicably, they will in principle be decided by the competent judges in the Haarlem district.